
Quality Assurance

Meet quality standards and requirements

Ensure software applications are reliable, efficient, and user-friendly and meet customer needs and expectations.
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Your product, quality tested

QA seeks to bridge the gap between development and production.When tasked, we bring our arsenal of testing tools, strategies and methodologies to the table.

Through rigorous testing and analysis, we identify any potential issues or bugs in the code, and work with the development team to resolve them before production release.We build robust automated regression suites to ensure safe deployments.We work diligently to support the development process and ensure that results are delivered on time, on budget, and to the highest possible standard.

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  • Leveraging Automation Tools(Selenium, Playwright, Cypress, others)
  • System Stress Testing(JMeter, Blazemeter)
  • Promote Healthy Testing Environments(BDD, TDD)
  • Intelligible Documentation and Reporting
  • LTS(Long Term Support) Planning
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Benefits of Quality Assurance

Better Work Environment
Encouraging Business Growth
Maintaining Customer Trust
Creating Cost Efficiency
Improving Production Efficiency
apachebrowser stackcucumberextentplaywrightrestsharpseleniumspecflowrobot